My Osher program began this week with two lectures on Wednesday, one yesterday, which I left a few minutes early to go to my Japanese art history class, (I'm still at it), and there will be another one this afternoon. All of the lectures are about various aspects of our current political and economic situation. They are given by guest experts or experts from the University of Pittsburgh. The first lecture, given by a distinguished professor, was about health care and the Obama administration. In the afternoon the lecture was given by a guest, Cindy Skrzycki, who writes on regulation and the executive branch of the government for Bloomberg, formerly for the Washington Post. Yesterday morning another distinguished professor spoke on foreign policy issues. This afternoon a guest expert will speak on military issues.
I learned a lot from the lecture about regulation, the one in which I thought I had the least interest. She explained how regulation affects all of our lives (and it does); how regulations are promulgated; how they are created or changed by lobbyists and special interest groups; how we can, and should, become aware of pending regulations and voice our concerns. For your information, read more from Cindy Skrzycki here (scroll down), find info about new regulations and how to comment here.
The other two speakers were good, but offered rather bleak views of their topics. Both reviewed the existing situation and what Obama has said and done up to now. After reviewing the healthcare situation in a very pessimistic manner, the speaker, almost in passing, said she was for a single payer system, but didn't think it would ever happen. She is one of many health care professionals I've met who seem to share this same point of view. I hope they are wrong.
Oh, how I too hope they are wrong.
You are so busy. By next week I should be catching up with you again with all three of my regular classes going again, the holiday tree gone at last.......yes, still up, and my hand getting better every day.
You stay warm today, and I will stay dry.
I was thinking about your upcoming trip to Chicago, and maybe you are just craving some at home creative settling time.
Posted by: Mage B | January 23, 2009 at 10:27 AM